大家無睇錯,呢個唔係舊post。 . 疫情喺過去一星期有明顯爆發跡象, 經仔細衡量,我哋決定將餘下喺上水嘅收書活動及8月「書送快樂日」再度延期,一有最新安排會立即公布,喺呢度同大家講聲唔好意思。 . 灣仔陽光中心嘅收書箱則會繼續擺放至7月23日。 . 若果有朋友喺之前喺收書活動拎咗印花卡,請好好保留張卡,嚟緊嘅「書送快樂日」可以用得返。 . 呢兩次收書活動都參加唔到嘅朋友唔使唔開心,我哋相信好快就會捱過呢一波,再次同大家見面。 . 最後,希望大家健健康康,真係盡量避免外出,留喺屋企睇下書,注意個人衛生,見字飲水。 . ========== It is with deep disappointment that we have to re-schedule our annual readers' carnival Bring A Book & Share and the remaining used book collection activity at Sheung Shui Shopping Centre once again. . The used book collection box at Sunlight Tower in Wanchai will be at work until 23 July. . Please note that the stamps you got from book donation can still be used in the upcoming Bring A Book & Share. . Public health is always our forefront priority. . We'll get through this together. . Until then, stay home, stay safe. . May reading give you comfort and strength.
重要通知:年度收書活動及「書送快樂日」再度延期〡EVENTS POSTPONEMENT