此外還有剛離世的台灣旅美作家於梨華佳作《也是秋天》、村上春樹的《1973年的彈珠玩具》、因電影版被下架而引發爭議的Gone with the wind,以及更多。
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Gone with the wind , one of the most popular films in American history, was temporarily removed from the catalogue of HBO Max amid controversy arising from the "Black Lives Matter" movement. It might take a while for the movie to come back. You can now choose to read the book first. The story is about Scarlett O’Hara, the spoiled, manipulative daughter of a wealthy plantation owner, who arrives at young womanhood just in time to see the Civil War forever change her way of life.
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Book Shopping are selling quality used books at around 1/3 of their listed price. You can choose to pay by credit card, PayPal or cash. After that, a pickup arrangement can be scheduled. Alternatively, book(s) can be sent to you by SF Express. The shelves will be replenished on a weekly basis.