引發全球反性侵 #MeToo 運動的知名記者 Ronan Farrow 於去年出版 Catch And Kill, 詳述影業大亨韋恩斯坦如何以沒有底線的旁門左道伎倆,威嚇受害人及阻撓採訪。有關報道不但獲頒普立玆獎,韋恩斯坦更為此被重判入獄23年。金錢與權力最終輸給勇氣與道義,大快人心。
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Meet the American journalist who triggered the global #MeToo movement Ronan Farrow. His book Catch and Kill: Lies, Spies, and a Conspiracy to Protect Predators, published in 2019, recounts the challenges he faced chasing the stories of Harvey Weinstein's decades of alleged rape, sexual assault, and sexual abuse of women and the case against him.
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