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北韓、香港、真實的國度、虛幻的城市...〡The adventures of Tintin, Paul Auster and Italo Calvino


「書店快樂」邀請大家到不同國度來一次心靈冒險。《我們最幸福》,飽覽今期流行的北韓平民生活真貌;Tintin in the Land of the Soviets,與 Tintin 及他的愛犬 Snowy一起經歷蘇俄諜戰;卡爾維諾名著《看不見的城市》,用詩般語言描畫55個夢幻之城;《我所痛愛的香港》,林夕記下的一切痛與愛,或是時候檢驗一下是否仍在;而 Paul Auster 的 The New York Trilogy,把紐約包裝成偵探小說場景讓讀者流連。此外還有傳雷談音樂,以及更多。




The adventures don't stop just because you are staying at home. At Book Shopping, we have Tintin in the Land of the Soviets, The New York Trilogy and more for you to explore.

Book Shopping are selling quality used books at around 1/3 of their listed price. You can choose to pay by credit card, PayPal or cash. After that, a pickup arrangement can be scheduled. Alternatively, book(s) can be sent to you by SF Express. The shelves will be replenished on a weekly basis.

Check out our online bookstore now:


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