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【第10頁 ,只是開首;10周年,何嘗不是?】

( English version below)由家中一大堆不想隨便丟棄的舊書開始,幾個毫無相關經驗的愛書人,把談談說說的空想化為實實在在的企劃,轉眼已是十年。 「書送快樂」往後的故事,會是怎樣的起承轉合,我們不知道,但會帶著熱誠與盼望,繼續上路。 友伴們,路上見! *「書送快樂」以推動綠色閱讀及看書之樂為任,你或你的企業/團體有興趣和我們一起努力嗎?Inbox或電郵至 enquiry@read-cycling 談談吧! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

【It's our 10th Birthday!】Ten years ago, we started Read-Cycling with nothing but a big pile of good old books at home and a vague idea. Ten years on, we don't grow much in size and yet we are serving a lot more people through not only the annual readers' carnival but also two book re-donation programs all year round. Add to these a wide array of cultural activities. No matter how the story of Read-Cycling would go, we'll keep going, with faith and hope. After all, we are just 10 years old! * Read-Cycling is a local charity committed to promoting green reading culture. If you and your company/organisation want to join hands with us, feel free to inbox or email us at We love to hear from you. ============= Website: Instagram:


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