這一年,我們和我們摯愛的城市,於顛簸困頓中,舉步維艱。 . 千頭萬緒,解惑何從? . 我們於是決定,「書送快樂」必須如常籌辦活動,接收贈書,以及繼續接待參與轉贈計劃的學校及社福機構。我們希望,從我們書倉出發的書,即使暫時未能帶來澎湃的快樂,也會是一份代表關懷互愛的禮物,讓心情寧定,能帶來啟廸。 . 「書送快樂」今年「入書量」及「出書量」均有大幅增長,前者增幅多達80%至23,000本,後者增幅為20%至21,000本。 . 為達至健康的運作循環,令書倉「蒲書館」能繼續有裕餘空間成為舊書暫居之所,來年我們必須在找尋「出書」途徑方面加倍努力。有興趣成為我們的「出書」夥伴嗎?請inbox 或電郵至enquiry@read-cycling.org一起談談。 . 過去一年,「書送快樂」合共有近50項舊書回收及文化活動,包括兩輪蒲書館開放日,並首度在館內舉辦講座及作者分享會。盡量活用蒲書館,令它成為區內藝文空間,是我們的心願。歡迎同路人inbox 或電郵至enquiry@read-cycling.org,探索合作機會。 . 附圖乃年度重點小結。在此感謝義工朋友在不同崗位的努力,以及有心人的支持及資助,讓我們這個超微型民間團體,能繼續前行,並努力為書及愛書人服務。 . 2020年第一季將舉行年度愛書人嘉年華「書送快樂日」及連串收書活動,詳情請密切留意本專頁及網站公布。順祝大家節日平安! . ****************** 【Taking Stock 2019】While this is a tumultuous and turbulent year for all of us in Hong Kong, we decided it should be business as usual. It's our hope that each and every used book leaving our warehouse could serve as a gift of love from someone who cares to its new reader, a gift that could bring comfort and strength. . This year, we saw a substantial increase in the number of the incoming and outgoing books. The former grew 80% to more than 23,000 copies. The latter was up 20% to over 21,000 books. . In view of the imbalance of the two sets of figures above, our main goal in 2020 is to identify more channels to help the incoming books find new homes. Otherwise, it will upset the operation of the book re-donation programs hosted in our warehouse, aka PPO Library, due to the inadequacy of space. If you want to partner with us in providing a channel solution for the books, please inbox or email us at enquiry@read-cycling.org. We love to hear from you. . We have made happen almost 50 book-related events in 2019, including two rounds of Open (A Book) Day at PPO Library, where we hope one day could become a cultural meeting point for the neighbourhood community. If you have an interesting idea, cultural or book-related, and you need a space, inbox or email us at enquiry@read-cycling.org. Let’s have a chat. . Read-Cycling would like to thank all partners and volunteers for their support to our mission of promoting green reading culture, and engaging more people in reading. Check out the table attached for the highlights of how we did in 2019. . Our work plan for 2020 will begin with the annual readers’ carnival Bring A Book & Share and its pre-event used book collection activities. Stay-tuned with us for further information. . Have a peaceful year ahead! . . ▍website: read-cycling.org ▍instagram: instagram.com/readcycling ▍be our volunteers: https://forms.gle/c1q1YQ4CFJXneTpA8 ▍talk to us: enquiry@read-cycling.org
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