近日我們接收到一批狀況幾近全新的社會學、人文和哲學書籍,捐贈的朋友希望這些原屬於摯愛家人的藏書,可以惠及社會與同好,她細心尋覓合適捐贈團體,最後選擇交託給「書送快樂」。 . 這幾個星期,捐贈的朋友拖着行李箱,分幾次由沙田親自到上環捐書,書籍用泡泡紙包好,盡見珍惜之情。 . 感謝這位愛書人的信任,我們會一如既往,盡力為這批好書找對的歸宿。 . ★學界特別優惠 由即日起,只需出示有效大學學生/教職員卡,便可以每本港幣$20優惠價親身前往「書送快樂」上環辦公室(地址見下文)選購相片中的書籍。 . ★其他愛書人亦可以約原價三折選購。(價目表:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dH_3gommb3nQ25FkFXJyCfNIEnPfTLG8knsrK7h8U6Y/edit?fbclid=IwAR2u7fE1UK8a0Tziib9Zj7JI_CZdq8nqVPn8kmYLDLr9sDH6jp32OyyT_U4)。 先到先得,如有需要亦可PM留書,最多預留14日。 . 要是你身邊有朋友對人文、社會和哲學有興趣,請和他們分享這個訊息。謝謝大家。 . _____________________ ◎上環辦公室(請pm預約到訪日期及時間) 地址: 上環文咸東街111號MW Tower 15樓(港鐵上環站A2出口 步行約5分鐘) 時間: 星期一至三及五〡11 am - 6 pm . . * 如有任何爭議,「書送快樂」保留最終決定權。 _____________________ 「書送快樂」(IR No 91/10408) 是政府註冊慈善團體,成立於2009年,開宗明義,宣揚看書能帶來無限快樂。13年來,我們把逾17萬本很新的舊書回流至有需要社群及愛書人手上。主辦各類型文化活動逾百項,期能令看書成為生活一部份。 . 「書送快樂」旗下項目「蒲書館」社區書店,逢周四至周日1-6pm開放,有書,有風景! ◇ 新蒲崗雙喜街17號富德工業大廈19樓A室
******************************************** Read-Cycling recently received a gift of around 100 books in mint condition on sociology, humanities and philosophy. The book donor hopes that these books can be passed on to new readers who share the same interest of her beloved family member.
★ We'd like to give priority to college students and academic staff, who can now buy the books ( applicable to the titles in the photos only ) at HKD 20 each upon presenting their valid student/staff card in person at our office in Sheung Wan.
★ For other book lovers, you can buy these books at around ⅓ of the original price (see price list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dH_3gommb3nQ25FkFXJyCfNIEnPfTLG8knsrK7h8U6Y/edit?fbclid=IwAR2u7fE1UK8a0Tziib9Zj7JI_CZdq8nqVPn8kmYLDLr9sDH6jp32OyyT_U4). Books are sold on a first-come, first-served basis. Book reservation via PM is available. Book(s) will be released after 14 days if the transaction has not been fully processed. . We would be grateful if you could share this message with other book lovers who are interested in philosophy, humanities and sociology. ______________________ ◎Read-Cycling Office ( Please PM us to schedule the visit ) Address: 15/F, MW Tower, 111 Bonham Strand, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong Office Hours: Monday to Wednesday and Friday〡11am- 6pm . . * In case of any dispute, the decision of Read-Cycling shall be final.
_____________________ Founded in 2009, local charity Read-Cycling (IR No 91/10408) is committed to promoting book recycling and the joy of reading. We’ve re-channeled over 170,000 quality used books to needy communities in the past 13 years and hosted more than 100 cultural activities for different neighbourhoods and age groups, aiming to make reading part of everyday life. . #書送快樂 #ReadCycling #好書義買 #usedbooksale #哲學書 #哲學 #philosophy #Kant #Habermas #Laruelle
