11/28(3-3:40pm) -- 《#樹真好》
12/4(3-3:40pm) -- 《#奇妙的花園》
※ 合作夥伴:
記得follow埋我哋event page留意最新嘅活動資訊啦。
「#書送快樂」是香港少數以推動看書之樂及綠色閱讀為任的慈善團體,成立11年,獲全港愛書人捐贈逾 180,000 本很新的舊書,透過公眾義賣及轉贈社福機構、學校及基層家庭,已為其中150,000 本找到好歸宿。
Come treasure hunt or simply enjoy a good time with books from your favourite writers from 11/25 to 12/5 at our warehouse #PPOLibrary. Add to this two story time sessions for Cantonese book lovers.
▍Book Bazaar
Over 20,000 quality English and Chinese used books in good condition sold at 1/3 of their original price, or lower. Proceeds will be used to support our Free Books for the Community Programs and day-to-day operation.
▍Story Time Sessions ( Please refer to the Chinese introduction above )
In order to protect the health of the community and individuals, please wear a mask at PPO Library. Visitors will have their temperature checked before entering the venue. Disinfectant hand rub is available at the entrance. If there are too many visitors, you may have to wait in line. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Since its inception in 2009, Read-Cycling has received over 180,000 quality used books from book lovers all over Hong Kong and has helped 150,000 of them find new homes through charity sale and re-donating to the less-privileged communities, NGOs and schools.